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22 Video results for: Interpretation

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  • Modern Application and Old Testament Epochs by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 8 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • Why is Scripture authoritative?
    • How should we understand the Bible's authorship?
    • How much were the authors of Scripture influenced by the circumstances of their original audiences?
    • How can we tell which characters in the Bible are positive examples for us to follow and which are negative examples we should reject?
    • How can we determine from Scripture the major epochs or eras of redemptive history?
    • What criteria do theologians use to divide Old Testament history into eras or epochs?
    • How does God function as the protagonist and Satan as the antagonist in the storyline of Old Testament history?
    • How should we apply the Bible's depictions of divine and national warfare to our lives today?
    • How should Jesus' office of king influence the way we apply the Bible to modern life?

    Lesson 8 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [449 MB] | Medium Resolution [375 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • The Complexity of Meaning by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 5 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • How can we develop the skills we need to understand the original meaning of biblical passages?
    • What is the proper way to use Greek and Hebrew dictionaries when we interpret the Bible?
    • Why is it important to identify the genre of a biblical book?
    • How did the Reformers' approach to interpretation differ from the Quadriga?
    • Since many early Christians interpreted the Bible in "spiritual" rather and "literal" ways, is there any benefit to reading their interpretations?
    • How did Paul use allegorical interpretation in his writings?
    • Why is it important to distinguish between Scripture itself and our applications of Scripture?
    • How does Jesus' teaching on the commandment against murder help us better understand God's commandments in Exodus chapter 20?
    • What are some legitimate contemporary applications of the commandment against murder?
    • How can we avoid legalism when we emphasize the behavioral implications of Scripture?

    Lesson 5 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [395 MB] | Medium Resolution [325 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Preparation for Interpretation by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • In what ways did the writers of Scripture use their own gifts, abilities, and writing styles as they composed the Scriptures?
    • In what ways are unbelievers unable to understand the Scriptures fully?
    • What do theologians mean when they say that the Holy Spirit grants people "illumination" to help them understand Scripture?
    • Why can't we just reply on the Holy Spirit to tell us what the Scriptures mean?
    • What types of training and education are most beneficial to us when we interpret the Bible?
    • How do our past experiences help or hinder the way we apply Scripture to our personal lives?
    • Do our sins hinder our ability to interpret the Bible?
    • What role should our current beliefs play in our interpretation of the Bible?
    • How should we prepare to read the Scriptures, and why is deliberate preparation so important?
    • In what ways should we rely on the Holy Spirit as we study Scripture?
    • What kind of impact should inspiration have on the way we interpret Scripture?

    Lesson 2 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [359 MB] | Medium Resolution [300 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Approaches to Meaning by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 4 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • How can identifying the proper genre help us interpret Scripture more responsibly?
    • How does the process of interpreting Scripture resemble a spiral that closes in on God's authoritative meaning?
    • Why is it important to consider a biblical author's purposes and goals for writing?
    • What were the fundamental ideas underlying Descartes' rationalism?
    • What were the fundamental ideas underlying Kant's subjectivism?
    • How can overemphasizing our own responses to the Bible undermine the objective meaning of a text?
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of following a rigorous methodology in our interpretation of Scripture?
    • What is the relationship between Bible study methods and intuition?
    • How can our gifts and abilities help or hinder the way we apply the Scriptures?
    • How should we evaluate interpretations that are different from our own?
    • Why is it important to do more than simply affirm the authority of Scripture?

    Lesson 4 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [369 MB] | Medium Resolution [305 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Applying Scripture by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 7 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • What guidelines should we follow when we apply biblical passages to modern life?
    • How does knowing the original meaning of a passage of Scripture help us apply it to our lives?
    • In what ways is God immutable?
    • Do all human beings have a sinful nature?
    • How does God's later revelation influence our understanding of his earlier revelation?
    • What are proper motivations for obeying the Scriptures?
    • Is obeying the Bible different from obeying God?
    • What are some cultural features of the Old and New Testaments that distance the Bible from contemporary readers?
    • How should we account for differences between biblical cultures and our own as we apply Scripture to our lives today?
    • How can believers today apply Scripture to their lives in light of changes in redemptive history?
    • How can believers make the Scriptures relevant and applicable to their lives today?

    Lesson 7 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [358 MB] | Medium Resolution [289 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Modern Application for Individuals by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 11 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • Are the Bible's commands to love God and neighbor interconnected?
    • Are there some laws or commands in the Bible that we shouldn't obey?
    • Why do believers today primarily focus on Scripture's behavioral applications?
    • Are the corporate aspects of our Christian lives equally as important as the individual aspects?
    • How important is it for us to be "doers" of the word and not only "hearers"?
    • How does the Holy Spirit help us apply Scripture to our lives?
    • How can we avoid emotionalism when we emphasize the emotional aspects of Scripture?
    • How can we know when to follow the examples of individuals described in the Bible?
    • How can we develop the skills we need to interpret the Bible responsibly?
    • How can pastors apply the Scriptures to the variety of individuals in their churches?

    Lesson 11 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [362 MB] | Medium Resolution [300 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Discovering Meaning by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 6 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • Why is it important to understand a biblical book's historical setting?
    • Why should we consider the author and original audience when interpreting a biblical text?
    • What are some drawbacks to over-emphasizing the original audience in biblical interpretation?
    • How can becoming familiar with Greek help us to interpret the New Testament?
    • How important to our interpretive efforts is knowledge of a passage's grammatical and historical contexts?
    • What kinds of copying errors did scribes typically make when copying biblical texts?
    • Were New Testament authors sometimes unfaithful to the Old Testament?
    • How can learning from other interpreters help us interpret the Bible better?
    • How can pastors and teachers learn to adapt their teaching to the needs of different audiences?

    Lesson 6 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [335 MB] | Medium Resolution [275 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Investigating Scripture by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 3 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • What factors can help us discern the original meaning of Scripture?
    • What do we mean by grammatico-historical exegesis?
    • How does information about the writer of a biblical book help us understand the book's original meaning?
    • How can information about a biblical book's original audience help us understand it's meaning?
    • How did biblical writers deliberately accommodate their material to make it more meaningful to their original audiences?
    • During the Middle Ages, was the emphasis placed on the original meaning of Scripture more or less important than church tradition?
    • Has the text of the Bible been corrupted over time?
    • What are the consequences of ignoring the historical situation of biblical passages?

    Lesson 3 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [309 MB] | Medium Resolution [262 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Biblical Culture and Modern Application by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 10 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • Why did God give humanity the cultural mandate?
    • How did humanity's fall into sin affect our ability to think rightly?
    • In what ways did God's laws direct the culture of ancient Israel?
    • How did the coming of Christ affect the relationship between Israel and the Gentile nations?
    • How can we know the difference between cultural practices merely described in the Bible and practices that we're required to follow today?
    • How should Christians respond to Paul's statements about head coverings in 1 Corinthians chapter 11?
    • What does it mean for Christians to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world?
    • How do Christians approve of the differences between cultures today but still maintain faith in the absolute authority of Scripture?

    Lesson 10 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [333 MB] | Medium Resolution [274 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation
  • Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that answers the following questions:
    • Why is it so important to submit to the authority of Scripture?
    • What are the most important hermeneutical principles we should follow?
    • Why aren't our interpretations of Scripture equal in authority to Scripture itself?
    • Why is it so important to search for the original meaning of biblical passages?
    • How does our faith in Christ affect our interpretations of the Bible?
    • How does the spiritual conditions of an interpreter affect his or her ability to interpret the Bible?
    • How can we remain emotionally engaged with the text of Scripture when we make it an object of academic study?
    • How important is it for us to love and cherish the Scripture?
    • What part does prayer play in biblical interpretation?
    • How important is it for us to put our knowledge of the Bible into practice?

    Lesson 1 of the course: He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [281 MB] | Medium Resolution [236 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: Interpretation

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